
100% Online

Don't call for rates! Get an instant quote and book online in less than 2 minutes. Receive confirmation and check for errors. Read the voucher.
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Rest Assured

You are in good hands! For departures- driver texts you 1 hour prior to pick up, for arrivals-when you land. Respond timely to your driver's texts for a smooth pick up.
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We Track Flights

We track you! Delayed or land earlier- there will be a car for you when you arrive. Diverted flights- $100 extra. We DO NOT monitor departure flights.
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Always On Time

Time is money and we mean it! If we are 1 minute late-your ride is free. If you are 1 minute late- you will pay extra hour of service of the reserved vehicle- ($120+).
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All-Inclusive Rates

You pay what you see! Unless it's a Sunday, holiday, incur waiting time, add a stop, change the route, book on a short notice or gas prices are above $4.50 per gallon.
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Luxury and reliable rides to and from O’Hare and Midway airports. Long distance black car service between Chicago and any city in USA or Canada.

You Book, We Drive!

Who Are Our Clients


Business Travelers


Leisure Travelers


Anyone Else

Pay With Crypto For A Limo. Bitcoin Payment Accepted

We are the first Chicago limo service accepting crypto payments in Illinois. Rides 2 Flights is currently accepting Bitcoin and Ethereum. Pay with crypto for a limo in Chicago.

How to pay with Bitcoin:  Run a quote at the booking tool on the top of our home page. Select CAR Card/Crypto or SUV Card/Crypto. Put BITCOIN in the comment section and we will contact you with our wallet address. You will still need your credit card to secure the reservation though. Same goes for Ethereum.

Why pay with Bitcoin or other crypto: If you have bought the crypto when it was cheap, your ride will cost you pennies. Can’t beat that!

Help Us Grow & Get Rewarded

Rides 2 Flights offers you one of a kind loyalty program. Share the word about us with your family, friends and coworkers and get rewarded. You take care of us- we take care of you!

When you bring us a new client, you will get $10 off your next ride. We grow and you save money on your limo service.

In order to track your progress, ask the booker to mention your first and last name in the comment section when placing the reservation online. We will take it from there.

Help us grow and get rewarded!